Rent prices vary greatly from city to city; therefore it is very important that you determine what you can afford before you begin to search for an apartment or home. Also, know exactly what you will be entitled to for the monthly rent. Some units included all utilities and some include very few. This will greatly affect how much you can afford to pay. You can afford to pay more on a unit that has all utilities included in the monthly price than for a unit for which you will pay for all utilities. If a washer and dryer are included with the unit, this will save you time and money because you will not need to go to the Laundromat. A quick way to determine what you can afford to pay for rent not including utilities is to calculate your total monthly household income and multiply it by 30%. This will give you a general idea of how much you can afford to pay in rent.
If you are looking for an apartment in a complex make sure that you see the actual apartment that you will be renting. Generally, complexes show prospect tenants models that have newer fixtures, cabinets, and carpeting. These units may be in much better condition that the unit that is actually available.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
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